Editor functions
-reverse and copy (the clipboard contains a copy of the reversed sequence of your selection)
-reverse and cut (the clipboard contains a copy of the reversed sequence of your selection)
-reverse and paste (think about it)
-select all
-find (searches upper- and lower- strand, can use restriction enzymes as input)
-find again
-set selection start
-set selection end
-show EMBL/GCG/GenBank data
It also has the following general settings
-begin: determines the begin of the part of the sequence that the program should work with
-end: determines the end of the part of the sequence that the program should work with
-rebuild: reorders the sequence after editing AND the corresponding 'action windows'
-circular: in case of DNA it is a plasmid!
-selection of restriction enzymes, own oligos, groups oligos or certain combinations.
-width: output 60 - 100/120